Analyzing Kate P.
As i would be writing this blog entry, i would be going along with where my hands and thoughts would lead me. a sort of warning, i may not know the outcome of this. if for some reason i would be leaving your jaw hanging, don't be dazed, i might be gaping in the end as well. after 23 years, this would be the first time i would be talking about Katrina Suico Pusta. if you do not feel like reading this, you are always welcome to click on somebody else's blog site. so here it goes... KATE: ON HER FAMILY ---her family is her solace. this is where she confines herself when she finds the outside world so complicated. ---family time is quality time. every meal with all the members of her family seated on the table, every fulfilling discussion, light moments, moments of laughter --- is time well-spent. ---if there is anything in the whole world that she could brag about, it would be he...