Dear Ate Julie,

Photo grabbed from her FB account. I have been thinking a lot about you since the day I heard of your passing. I still cannot believe I will never see you again-- your positive disposition and your smiling face. As I pen this message to you, I repeatedly scrolled back our chat history and the pictures that we were in together to make sure I do not miss anything. Thank you for the times you have opened your home to us. I remember the first time I took a trip alone to Manila ten years ago. My date of departure was nearing and I haven't found a place to stay yet. To make sure I will not be turned down when I approach you, I went to Auntie Tita first to ask if you were the type who does not mind accepting visitors. Truly the gracious host, you welcomed me and let me stay and even offered to send me to the airport upon my return to Cebu. I also had the chance to experience Baguio because of you and your family. Thanks a lot for let...